brother grimm
Fairy tales and Storys by jacob and Wilhelm
progress so far
first rescuring the authers
The Grimm's brothers Origanl growup in the cuntryside then there lifes Weher altured drematicly when moving to the city give this cownsied with a family death
idead to of have a landshape of city cracking in to countryside like the tow wourld have collied
visual refrance
overgrowen monstrys
abandon bilding
industral landscape
steam punk
I feel this is will be a dives in which i can start to portray a more adult aproce to the pice becues starting to undestand the undline motives of the atothers help revile the sorce of the storys thus connecting them to reality giveing the content more substance
alwing us to reach beith the serfes and decover any parl;es to the athers lives and ours
adult vertions
Reachuing a older audiance
- must contain a ses of reality make it belive soo strick pirod of time
- we extend content to make it adult
- littel girls becum women
- morbid
- grim
- gothic-given somthink age gives a sence of subtance and power and also all most an eco of death

the above image is in the stem puck styel which i think could be idea as it give you the sesof time histoy and wuill alo me to bring my firsat idea of nature and industry together
i have not yet decied which story to work with
iv started looking how others have changed the theys of fairy tales the image below is by and of the photogpher sindsherman with cindrella
- lillly sybol of purity
- transparnt dress lack of dignity
- theys aposing thyms crate conflic it the pices sugestinfg the realy behined how women in fairy tals are often priceved as someing buetfull and delic idlised
this can be connected with the Grimm story of Snow White when snow white enter a etirnal sleep waiting for a man (her prince) to awaken her form an etirnal sleep
"the death of a buetfull woman is
unquestionabley the most poetic topic in the wourld."
Edgar Allen Poe.
(p123,fation at the edge,caroline evens 2003 yale univerty press)
the images blow are screen shoot i took while waching snow white a tale of terror
this firl pose all the iconic ciontet of the disny vertion but mold the plot charchter ans visual alndscap of the pice to a darker place a place in which we see it evoling in to a a more exact represtion of human nature .i found the film very inspiring and i feel this may be my chosse story
the stoy bof snow white has also draw me to look at
to bran stocks draqular 1990 (glass coffen, forbiden fruiets ),
theeternal venuesof....