below are images documenting my work with Styrofoam
i was very shocked at the speed of the work and how straight forward the process of recreating object can be an I'm looking forward to experimenting more complicated subjects
first i marked out the base shape and profile in black marker pen in a Styrofoam block which was already cut to size

I then used the band-saw to cut along the marks on the polystyrene

i fount it quite trick to hold the block in one pice while cutting out the second section
next using a filled too i shape the surface and then refined the shape with sand paper

to seal the polystyrene and provide a smooth surface to paint upon i used a technique now as skimming , applying muslin to the surface with a layer of diluted pva glue this will stop the Styrofoam from being cored by plastic based paint,give a smooth surface , golds the pro together and give it more strength and can also be used to ad more texture

I'm not too shore what sort of matrial 125-141 of making stage props a practical guide and i noticed that slightly different tools where used to shape the polystyrene tho i think this may be because this chapter is for expanded polystyrene and i may have bean working with a slightly different material maybe styrofoam
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