step one stued existing patter this is simler to the desine i am woking from (BUTTERICK B4254) MAKING HISTORY, A
uesing the patermn as a block i have changed the mesurement to fit my client and chsnge the shape where need to obtain the need desine
the next step easto draw up the final patter add seam alowance
i then cut out twice in a thnk canver pined and tack the pices togeth
this prioved me with a good gide of how the corset would fit i tryed the pice agenis the model and then decied to make a slight agustmentto the leght of the dshou;er pice as i feel they where to long as i underestmated the bust point to mid shoulder meshurent as the straps fall almost on to of the sholder
next i will need to cut the ling asandouter metrial i havet yet chossen my matiral the metrail will prefably bee a think line conceling boning and creating a smooth covering whill will give the boce better form
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