ater makeing my mood bord have the basik imager of what i would like to ob taine but noe i need to focues on the desile of how im going to add this childish demen and esses of twissted incesnce to the pice ,
firt ide is for the rubbel to be made not ram normal brick, but to look more like broken doll houes , and lego

second idear im not to shure how it would war but for it to look like broken chine this ide was insiped by the fist book in l franks wizard of oz sires his books written aroned ... are a littel erly that when my project is baste but nevert the less capture the very off hand violnce that uesed to be presented in childres book

in this quote dorothy has come acore a and where every thing is made from china
"We must be very careful here," said the kind-hearted Woodman, "or we may hurt these pretty little people so they will never get over it."
A little farther on Dorothy met a most beautifully dressed young Princess, who stopped short as she saw the strangers and started to run away.
Dorothy wanted to see more of the Princess, so she ran after her. But the china girl cried out:
"Don't chase me! Don't chase me!"
She had such a frightened little voice that Dorothy stopped and said, "Why not?"
"Because," answered the Princess, also stopping, a safe distance away, "if I run I may fall down and break myself."
"But could you not be mended?" asked the girl.
"Oh, yes; but one is never so pretty after being mended, you know," replied the Princess.
"I suppose not," said Dorothy.
"Now there is Mr. Joker, one of our clowns," continued the china lady, "who is always trying to stand upon his head. He has broken himself so often that he is mended in a hundred places, and doesn't look at all pretty. Here he comes now, so you can see for yourself."
for me this extract dementstrs the faglie nature of a chiled how each harmfull acdent and instant will leave lasting metal scars, and relats to the tour childhood of my charcter
the images is butfull in this pice and the lesson like meany in brun work very reviling
to traclate this the rubbel it self could be litted with objects and home that where once magnifitly buetfull
or the gas mask they have almost becuem the cartes them self, wich is a repsention of the effect the war hass had apone the carcters they almost start too look like they should belong in some sort of fetish club which demstrate how age has bean forced apone them
her dress , i could make very still ungamrent almost making her look like a chinna doll, rips and ragged week metrial shown the undergarment with in

so as u can see ueing such undgarment will not fit in to the corerect time priod there could be a more suttel way to to this with relavent undgment to the time priro of i coul make a destion to blend genra signify to cret a more symbolic pice rather that a hisotical pice ,after all i am reviling a more savage and exadrate sinde to hasel and gretal, it is desine to maek the view fell uneasy and destresed so if done carfull the application of coflicting imagey may make the view feal even more disjointed this pice is not somethin that the view is ment to walk away form feeal satfied by a nice polished eding
and also i do not what to make it exact respentionf of world war 2
other linked works

i saw the following film when it was firt reals i may have dune this subcotisly byut i have foned that emay of myplays atrubuta are show in this film in regars to the child hood that led habel to becume the man
hanabel rising