the Dresden dolls
glass slipper
How many fittings must I sit through with my big feet blistering
I'm not asking to go dancing I'm not that dumb anymore,
It's exhausting to keep smiling when your toes are bleeding on the floor,
It's a gory sort of story that's been told a hundred times before,
Don't be sorry just ignore me because honestly,
I'm too sore from fitting exactly to ride into setting suns aching to
stand on my own two feet.
this is inspiration for my main carcter deletion's
some one who has bean pushed to far to be loved ands her understanding g of it mutated
costume idea for her reflection ( 2 actress will play the main role for each reality)

Marilyn Manson - Tourniquet these are images have bean taken from
related inspiration , the stage's of being the perfect performer we see her in the reflection not just where the costume but it almost looking like it is apart of her the tight lacing laces skin this could be achieved by treated laxex or rubber clothing
also the deary colors of age and neglect would work with the images to help give this world the feeling of despair
Alexander McQueen's asylum also iltrate a simer idea in which i would like to show
this dramatic show was held vehined perspectwidonw and the auance peer in to 2 world beautiful women dressed in stuctive clothing repestion suttel refence to metal isment when with in there box lays another the optmy of ugel a naked womo with butterfly who's cloths have bean eted away

laytexclothing so her we are now this colore laxex adorned with a withering tutu

Hi Mirriam
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me you'd like the photos of Joel-Peter Witkin - have you seen his (very disturbing) work?
Is the-dolls-house' image in the previous post your work or someone else's? I couldn't tell, so am not sure how to comment yet..
ReplyDeletenope thats just an example of what i will be aiming for and just to accompany the wizard of oz quote tho i do have sum design i will post soon whats there finished with a photography that i have taken which is relevant to that pice
your right i loved witkins work, haven't came across it before thank you! :) tho his pictures looks like hieronymus bosch's/dian abuses's love child hehehe