Monday, 13 December 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
my mood boards - sorry for the lateness cameras are evil
audtion ballet
the above board is a vage visual expemention of how the parral wrld will comper in the pice
audition victorian
the above bord fetures ides for lighing schech of murder weopns, imges of locations etc
hansel and grtel wourl war 2
the above buched thymen bord has dchechs of the main carcter and mask some hand made minture props for the booches shop and injera captures it mood
foot note i made theys bords about a week ago s since making them my desines have evolved thanks to my enlighing mood bords i will shortly post my finel ?consep desines for all 3 pices
the above board is a vage visual expemention of how the parral wrld will comper in the pice
audition victorian
the above bord fetures ides for lighing schech of murder weopns, imges of locations etc
hansel and grtel wourl war 2
the above buched thymen bord has dchechs of the main carcter and mask some hand made minture props for the booches shop and injera captures it mood
foot note i made theys bords about a week ago s since making them my desines have evolved thanks to my enlighing mood bords i will shortly post my finel ?consep desines for all 3 pices
Sunday, 21 November 2010
ballet visual ideas
the Dresden dolls
glass slipper
How many fittings must I sit through with my big feet blistering
I'm not asking to go dancing I'm not that dumb anymore,
It's exhausting to keep smiling when your toes are bleeding on the floor,
It's a gory sort of story that's been told a hundred times before,
Don't be sorry just ignore me because honestly,
I'm too sore from fitting exactly to ride into setting suns aching to
stand on my own two feet.
this is inspiration for my main carcter deletion's
some one who has bean pushed to far to be loved ands her understanding g of it mutated
costume idea for her reflection ( 2 actress will play the main role for each reality)
Marilyn Manson - Tourniquet these are images have bean taken from
related inspiration , the stage's of being the perfect performer we see her in the reflection not just where the costume but it almost looking like it is apart of her the tight lacing laces skin this could be achieved by treated laxex or rubber clothing
also the deary colors of age and neglect would work with the images to help give this world the feeling of despair
Alexander McQueen's asylum also iltrate a simer idea in which i would like to show
this dramatic show was held vehined perspectwidonw and the auance peer in to 2 world beautiful women dressed in stuctive clothing repestion suttel refence to metal isment when with in there box lays another the optmy of ugel a naked womo with butterfly who's cloths have bean eted away
laytexclothing so her we are now this colore laxex adorned with a withering tutu
upps i forgot to say
in Hansel and Grettel abation i choose the dut pink dress after wnaching Svankmajer, Jan, alice
this pice of anmation was distarbing drematic and inspretional od how a dream can be tuned in to a night mear just by minpulating reality in is a utiltiybased form insted of removing the carter from ther soronds like the walyt disnay abdabtion dose
this pice of anmation was distarbing drematic and inspretional od how a dream can be tuned in to a night mear just by minpulating reality in is a utiltiybased form insted of removing the carter from ther soronds like the walyt disnay abdabtion dose
Thursday, 18 November 2010
abation 2 hansel and gretel revisted
ater makeing my mood bord have the basik imager of what i would like to ob taine but noe i need to focues on the desile of how im going to add this childish demen and esses of twissted incesnce to the pice ,
firt ide is for the rubbel to be made not ram normal brick, but to look more like broken doll houes , and lego
second idear im not to shure how it would war but for it to look like broken chine this ide was insiped by the fist book in l franks wizard of oz sires his books written aroned ... are a littel erly that when my project is baste but nevert the less capture the very off hand violnce that uesed to be presented in childres book
in this quote dorothy has come acore a and where every thing is made from china
"We must be very careful here," said the kind-hearted Woodman, "or we may hurt these pretty little people so they will never get over it."
A little farther on Dorothy met a most beautifully dressed young Princess, who stopped short as she saw the strangers and started to run away.
Dorothy wanted to see more of the Princess, so she ran after her. But the china girl cried out:
"Don't chase me! Don't chase me!"
She had such a frightened little voice that Dorothy stopped and said, "Why not?"
"Because," answered the Princess, also stopping, a safe distance away, "if I run I may fall down and break myself."
"But could you not be mended?" asked the girl.
"Oh, yes; but one is never so pretty after being mended, you know," replied the Princess.
"I suppose not," said Dorothy.
"Now there is Mr. Joker, one of our clowns," continued the china lady, "who is always trying to stand upon his head. He has broken himself so often that he is mended in a hundred places, and doesn't look at all pretty. Here he comes now, so you can see for yourself."
for me this extract dementstrs the faglie nature of a chiled how each harmfull acdent and instant will leave lasting metal scars, and relats to the tour childhood of my charcter
the images is butfull in this pice and the lesson like meany in brun work very reviling
to traclate this the rubbel it self could be litted with objects and home that where once magnifitly buetfull
or the gas mask they have almost becuem the cartes them self, wich is a repsention of the effect the war hass had apone the carcters they almost start too look like they should belong in some sort of fetish club which demstrate how age has bean forced apone them
her dress , i could make very still ungamrent almost making her look like a chinna doll, rips and ragged week metrial shown the undergarment with in
so as u can see ueing such undgarment will not fit in to the corerect time priod there could be a more suttel way to to this with relavent undgment to the time priro of i coul make a destion to blend genra signify to cret a more symbolic pice rather that a hisotical pice ,after all i am reviling a more savage and exadrate sinde to hasel and gretal, it is desine to maek the view fell uneasy and destresed so if done carfull the application of coflicting imagey may make the view feal even more disjointed this pice is not somethin that the view is ment to walk away form feeal satfied by a nice polished eding
and also i do not what to make it exact respentionf of world war 2
other linked works
i saw the following film when it was firt reals i may have dune this subcotisly byut i have foned that emay of myplays atrubuta are show in this film in regars to the child hood that led habel to becume the man
hanabel rising
firt ide is for the rubbel to be made not ram normal brick, but to look more like broken doll houes , and lego
second idear im not to shure how it would war but for it to look like broken chine this ide was insiped by the fist book in l franks wizard of oz sires his books written aroned ... are a littel erly that when my project is baste but nevert the less capture the very off hand violnce that uesed to be presented in childres book
in this quote dorothy has come acore a and where every thing is made from china
"We must be very careful here," said the kind-hearted Woodman, "or we may hurt these pretty little people so they will never get over it."
A little farther on Dorothy met a most beautifully dressed young Princess, who stopped short as she saw the strangers and started to run away.
Dorothy wanted to see more of the Princess, so she ran after her. But the china girl cried out:
"Don't chase me! Don't chase me!"
She had such a frightened little voice that Dorothy stopped and said, "Why not?"
"Because," answered the Princess, also stopping, a safe distance away, "if I run I may fall down and break myself."
"But could you not be mended?" asked the girl.
"Oh, yes; but one is never so pretty after being mended, you know," replied the Princess.
"I suppose not," said Dorothy.
"Now there is Mr. Joker, one of our clowns," continued the china lady, "who is always trying to stand upon his head. He has broken himself so often that he is mended in a hundred places, and doesn't look at all pretty. Here he comes now, so you can see for yourself."
for me this extract dementstrs the faglie nature of a chiled how each harmfull acdent and instant will leave lasting metal scars, and relats to the tour childhood of my charcter
the images is butfull in this pice and the lesson like meany in brun work very reviling
to traclate this the rubbel it self could be litted with objects and home that where once magnifitly buetfull
or the gas mask they have almost becuem the cartes them self, wich is a repsention of the effect the war hass had apone the carcters they almost start too look like they should belong in some sort of fetish club which demstrate how age has bean forced apone them
her dress , i could make very still ungamrent almost making her look like a chinna doll, rips and ragged week metrial shown the undergarment with in
so as u can see ueing such undgarment will not fit in to the corerect time priod there could be a more suttel way to to this with relavent undgment to the time priro of i coul make a destion to blend genra signify to cret a more symbolic pice rather that a hisotical pice ,after all i am reviling a more savage and exadrate sinde to hasel and gretal, it is desine to maek the view fell uneasy and destresed so if done carfull the application of coflicting imagey may make the view feal even more disjointed this pice is not somethin that the view is ment to walk away form feeal satfied by a nice polished eding
and also i do not what to make it exact respentionf of world war 2
other linked works
i saw the following film when it was firt reals i may have dune this subcotisly byut i have foned that emay of myplays atrubuta are show in this film in regars to the child hood that led habel to becume the man
hanabel rising
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
audition ballet
firty this is not a bally but the main carcter is a ballariner with delotions of reality , a butfull glamers life in which we see in seans when other are present then on her own the wourl decays in to and grim pain striven life witch is empt which is true with a life of glammer
to achive this the glamers life will be mainly shon non curtins/dras and move flats and projects which can be moved away to unvil a untily bast anpher be hind it almost like a dested fatory ,
my chossen sean is agine the toucher sean in this insance the male lead has suprised the dance by coming to her terotry though her a romait dinner in her dance studo late at night the romantic tanel sitis in the black realty og her life and her we see her tun and touccher her suter
visual inspration
black swan
the above image is from athe film black swan that is yet to be relised, infunce my ideas
firty this is not a bally but the main carcter is a ballariner with delotions of reality , a butfull glamers life in which we see in seans when other are present then on her own the wourl decays in to and grim pain striven life witch is empt which is true with a life of glammer
to achive this the glamers life will be mainly shon non curtins/dras and move flats and projects which can be moved away to unvil a untily bast anpher be hind it almost like a dested fatory ,
my chossen sean is agine the toucher sean in this insance the male lead has suprised the dance by coming to her terotry though her a romait dinner in her dance studo late at night the romantic tanel sitis in the black realty og her life and her we see her tun and touccher her suter
visual inspration
black swan
the above image is from athe film black swan that is yet to be relised, infunce my ideas
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Adaptation 2 Hansel and gretel
style description
handle is Gretel "hazel.Gregory" cartoon horror set world war 2
plot ..
Gretel has suffused by the hands of a garden whom she has bean evacuated to, she runs in to the city/wood to fine salvation for her and her baby brother
hazel come across a boches shop in a dilapidated city and comes across the witch/ butchers wife , who lives alone after eating her husband and now she only eats human flesh the met in her shop is all human she roast sum to send the smell out in to the abound city to draw hunger child for child meat is the tastiest
this is a refection of reshong starvation during war, and a play on how some evacuees where treated very badly and i feel is still in the grimm style
this table , has bean adapted for the original i made for Hansel and Gretel, it is a Barack down of each Sean given direction of what should be in each Sean i have complete the entire tabe as this is just a frst draft my chosen Sean is highlighted in blue
chosen era
allot of my inspiration for the came from my visit to the imperial war museums exhibit (the children war)
this experience was intense , enchanting and sicking all at the same time, blow is an image of a baby gas mask which Gregory will be inside , this item in the exhibit provoked strong empathy and relay of life during the with me when i saw it on display
in the exhibit their is a recreation of a House from that period in which your walk thought which effortlessly plagues you back in to history and has giving me Meany ideas for this project
inspired artist
mark style is quite s to .... who i look at for my audition section , though the content and contextual meaning is quite different
i watmy piece to have this merge this childish image and grim grotesque
blow are my original design for hazel and Grete i now need to adapt them
so as u can see there is a drati differace form my gesh bright and light hart orignal desine to what i would like to btai i will start corragel and draawing up some desise for my new 2ed wourld war preduction and post them very soon
handle is Gretel "hazel.Gregory" cartoon horror set world war 2
plot ..
Gretel has suffused by the hands of a garden whom she has bean evacuated to, she runs in to the city/wood to fine salvation for her and her baby brother
hazel come across a boches shop in a dilapidated city and comes across the witch/ butchers wife , who lives alone after eating her husband and now she only eats human flesh the met in her shop is all human she roast sum to send the smell out in to the abound city to draw hunger child for child meat is the tastiest
this is a refection of reshong starvation during war, and a play on how some evacuees where treated very badly and i feel is still in the grimm style
this table , has bean adapted for the original i made for Hansel and Gretel, it is a Barack down of each Sean given direction of what should be in each Sean i have complete the entire tabe as this is just a frst draft my chosen Sean is highlighted in blue
chosen era
allot of my inspiration for the came from my visit to the imperial war museums exhibit (the children war)
this experience was intense , enchanting and sicking all at the same time, blow is an image of a baby gas mask which Gregory will be inside , this item in the exhibit provoked strong empathy and relay of life during the with me when i saw it on display
in the exhibit their is a recreation of a House from that period in which your walk thought which effortlessly plagues you back in to history and has giving me Meany ideas for this project
inspired artist
mark style is quite s to .... who i look at for my audition section , though the content and contextual meaning is quite different
i watmy piece to have this merge this childish image and grim grotesque
blow are my original design for hazel and Grete i now need to adapt them
so as u can see there is a drati differace form my gesh bright and light hart orignal desine to what i would like to btai i will start corragel and draawing up some desise for my new 2ed wourld war preduction and post them very soon
adabtion 1, edwardian, audition
colour palet and space and mood inflance onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
colour palet and space and mood inflance
colour palet and space and mood inflance
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
my 1st pices theymes victorian , horro, with inflances japenes coloring and spaceing
theys are sume prop ideas
the hat pins would be uesed as the tourture devise
and the saw would appear from the bag
the piano would be just as gand but to aply to the cool colour thyme in this sea will be a sterile white
blow firt consept drawings foe lead Carter
theys are sume prop ideas
the hat pins would be uesed as the tourture devise
and the saw would appear from the bag
the piano would be just as gand but to aply to the cool colour thyme in this sea will be a sterile white
blow firt consept drawings foe lead Carter
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
my chossen scrip
Shigeharu Aoyama (Ryo Ishibashi), a middle-aged widower who lost his wife to an illness seven years prior, is urged by his 17-year-old son, Shigehiko (Tetsu Sawaki), to begin dating women again. Shigehiko is somewhat doubtful of his father's love life, but plans to move out when he finishes school and does not want his father to be alone. Aoyama's friend and colleague, Yoshikawa (Jun Kunimura), a film producer, devises a plan to hold a mock-audition, in which young, beautiful women would audition for the "part" of Aoyama's new wife, under the impression that they are auditioning for a new film, but actually so Aoyama can marry one of the finalist contestants.
Aoyama is immediately enchanted by Asami Yamazaki (Eihi Shiina), a 24-year-old woman with a soft voice and reserved, yet confident, mannerisms. In her audition, Asami says that she was once a ballerina headed for greatness, but had to give up dancing after an injury. Aoyama, still reeling from the death of his wife, is attracted to her apparent emotional depth.
Yoshikawa warns him about Asami, saying that he has a bad feeling about her. None of the references on her résumé were able to be reached and her job history is shaky. The music producer she claimed to work for had gone missing. Aoyama is so enthralled by her inner and outer beauty that he is blinded by his feelings for her.
She lives in an empty apartment, furnished only with a sack and a telephone. Four days following the audition, she sits perfectly still in the middle of the floor next to the telephone, waiting for it to ring. When it finally does, the sack lurches across the room and makes gurgling sounds. She ignores it as she waits a few rings before answering.
When Asami answers the phone, she confesses to Aoyama that she never expected him to call. After several dates, she agrees to accompany him to a seaside hotel. Once at the hotel, Asami tells Aoyama about the abuse she suffered as a child and shows him the burn scars on her body. Asami asks Aoyama to love only her. Aoyama promises to do so and they make love.
The next morning, Aoyama is awakened by a telephone call; it is the front desk wondering if, since his companion left, he too would be checking out. He realizes Asami is nowhere to be found. Using her résumé, Aoyama searches in vain for her.
Aoyama visits the old ballet studio where Asami claimed to have trained for 12 years. He finds that the studio is now inhabited only by a disabled old man in a wheelchair with artificial feet. It is revealed that the man caused the burn scars on Asami's legs.
Then he goes to the bar where Asami used to work and someone tells him that it has been closed for a year because the woman who was in charge, the wife of a record producer, was found dismembered. When the police put her body back together, they found 3 extra fingers, an extra ear, and an extra tongue.
Asami goes to Aoyama's house during his search. Once there, she finds a photo of his dead wife. Enraged, she slips a sedative in his drink and hides. Aoyama comes home, has the drink, and faints. The movie cuts to a sequence about Asami's past and present. In one scene, the contents of the sack are revealed to be a man missing both feet, his tongue, one ear and three fingers on one hand. He crawls out of the sack and begs for food. Asami vomits into a dog dish and places it on the floor for the man. The man sticks his face in the bowl of vomit, and hungrily consumes it.
A while later, Asami returns to the drugged and paralyzed Aoyama. As she walks into the room, the audience sees the twisted body of Aoyama's pet dog. She proceeds to inject Aoyama with an agent that paralyzes his body, but keeps his nerves alert. She then tortures him with needles in his abdomen and under his eyes. As she is torturing him, she tells him he is just like everyone else in not being able to love only her. She talks about how he has many whom he loves in his life, mainly his son. She says that she has only him and that this is not acceptable, because then he will never be completely hers. Her torture of him, she explains, is to teach him the meaning of needing someone. She tells him that, "words create lies, pain can be trusted." She then cuts off his left foot with a wire saw.
While Asami begins to cut off his other foot, she is surprised by Aoyama's son returning home. She hides and prepares to attack him. He discovers his father on the floor, turns, and is surprised by Asami. Suddenly Aoyama has a dream that he is waking up and that the past events have been a dream, to just after he and Asami had made love for the first time. She says that she accepts his marriage proposal, despite him never actually proposing, and says that she is the heroine of his life. He awakes from this dream to see his son swing around and Asami fail to disable him. Shigehiko runs up a flight of stairs to escape her and she follows him, he kicks her down the stairs, breaking her neck. Aoyama tells his son to call the police. As Aoyama lies in agony on the floor, he continues to stare at the dying figure of Asami on the floor, her neck is broken in a way that she is facing him. She mutters things that she had told him earlier about waiting for his call, and being excited to see him again. He is overcome with sadness as he remembers his answer to her in his dream sequence about her abuse, that "It's hard to forget about...but someday you'll feel...that life is wonderful."
chosen scene
the ending sequence of tourtor and Asami death
ray ceaser
this response captured me
ray ceaser
Q: What are your sources of inspiration?
I try to look twice at the things people don’t notice. Sometimes on a noisy and busy downtown street I see things that people walk past. An old bookstore with a radiator from the 1890s, the floor from the 1970s in an old rundown hair salon, an old doorway to a rooming house, and I see the past in that doorway and feel all the people who have walked inside and out. I am reminded that doorway will soon be gone without a single person noticing and a Fido cell phone store will be put in its place…so I like to notice those things. I find a lot going on behind the main event….like turning a rock upside down in a garden and seeing the city of life that lives underneath.
i foned tis artis to day whoch isperfec becues hes abstact mixure of aline life form an histoic consume with in his art work is excaly wht i whatsed to acive with in one of my desines
from this image i am inspired by the selective colour and how the destorton of the human form playes on the steryopical imager of what we np to be alien creting a suttel and encharntic image
in this image ceaser is playing with the irony of how perfection is portrayed with in classical portates ,
for my desines main carcters will be masked as the will actual be analins trying to kepp identiy secret and as all imtations thigs are not always repoduced exacly and the hairy sholders of the subject in the above image would had this perfect isdrection and to my pice if translated propers
Monday, 8 November 2010
genra interbreaind
i love this genra mixture horro with a clessical romantic knovel , in this instance transcribes in to humer i am going to expore this idear b
below some schehces i have made
gorgen in a war zone
edwardian elian
al so a simler inflence doctor who clock work eposode
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