handle is Gretel "hazel.Gregory" cartoon horror set world war 2
plot ..
Gretel has suffused by the hands of a garden whom she has bean evacuated to, she runs in to the city/wood to fine salvation for her and her baby brother
hazel come across a boches shop in a dilapidated city and comes across the witch/ butchers wife , who lives alone after eating her husband and now she only eats human flesh the met in her shop is all human she roast sum to send the smell out in to the abound city to draw hunger child for child meat is the tastiest
this is a refection of reshong starvation during war, and a play on how some evacuees where treated very badly and i feel is still in the grimm style
this table , has bean adapted for the original i made for Hansel and Gretel, it is a Barack down of each Sean given direction of what should be in each Sean i have complete the entire tabe as this is just a frst draft my chosen Sean is highlighted in blue

chosen era
allot of my inspiration for the came from my visit to the imperial war museums exhibit (the children war)
this experience was intense , enchanting and sicking all at the same time, blow is an image of a baby gas mask which Gregory will be inside , this item in the exhibit provoked strong empathy and relay of life during the with me when i saw it on display
in the exhibit their is a recreation of a House from that period in which your walk thought which effortlessly plagues you back in to history and has giving me Meany ideas for this project

inspired artist
mark style is quite s to .... who i look at for my audition section , though the content and contextual meaning is quite different
i watmy piece to have this merge this childish image and grim grotesque

blow are my original design for hazel and Grete i now need to adapt them

so as u can see there is a drati differace form my gesh bright and light hart orignal desine to what i would like to btai i will start corragel and draawing up some desise for my new 2ed wourld war preduction and post them very soon
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